Blog: Content Tips
Gifts for all Seasons
(And where to find them)
At this time of year, our thoughts turn to gifts. But I’m not going to be joining the blogging crowds down those seasonal paths of well-worn cliché. This is about a different category of gifts. The gifts, if we learn to recognise them, that keep on giving. The gifts we can harness and put to(…)
Read MoreIs Context Everything?
Putting context in its place in marketing comms
How important is context? After all, communication, by its very nature, doesn’t happen in a vacuum. But how much does, and should, the where and to whom, influence the how and what you say? Should you just grant yourself the freedom and power of speaking your truth regardless and concentrate solely on being true to(…)
Read MoreRiding the social wave
How to position yourself for social media success
Today’s tech-based society means most of us have a digital footprint. Making that presence meaningful, and more than just a tick-box, incidental, accidental thing can bring significant benefits to you and your business. Jim Claussen, founder of the Executive Social Academy which helps managers and business leaders thrive in the digital economy, identifies engaging in(…)
Read MoreStory Time – Not Just For Kids
How to get started with storytelling in business
One from the Bible and one from the senior statesman of rock: I’m more Team Keith. I was one of those mums who couldn’t wait for her baby sons to start playing with toys that I could join in with. Thomas the Tank Engine? Power Rangers? A cash register for playing shop? I was right(…)
Read MoreHow to write an About page
Lessons from reality TV and more
“It’s so difficult to write about yourself…” If you can identify with the above (a lament from someone I’m mentoring at the moment) and you’re thinking about writing, revising or powering up your About page, procrastinate no longer! First of all let’s get one thing out of the way, something that’ll ease the pressure… It’s(…)
Read MoreDare to be a Drama Queen
And write more powerful and effective content
“Don’t make a fuss” “Keep quiet” “Don’t read too much into it” “Try to be like everyone else” Some of the things we’re taught as children don’t always serve us well in adulthood. If you were to apply the above to your words you’d never write anything much worth reading. So, for those times when(…)
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