Blog: Writing

Is Context Everything?

Putting context in its place in marketing comms

How important is context? After all, communication, by its very nature, doesn’t happen in a vacuum. But how much does, and should, the where and to whom, influence the how and what you say? Should you just grant yourself the freedom and power of speaking your truth regardless and concentrate solely on being true to(…)

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Dare to be a Drama Queen

And write more powerful and effective content

“Don’t make a fuss” “Keep quiet” “Don’t read too much into it” “Try to be like everyone else” Some of the things we’re taught as children don’t always serve us well in adulthood. If you were to apply the above to your words you’d never write anything much worth reading. So, for those times when(…)

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Say It With Feeling

Emotion in copywriting

Nobody wants what I do. But don’t rush to commiserate. I’m happy about it. In fact, most of the time I encourage it. I use the word “most” because sometimes I do want people to consider the “what” of what I do, which is copywriting. But most of the time, the fact that nobody cares,(…)

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Make your business stand out with storytelling

I was once told, when I asked for networking advice, to “just be interesting!” Being interesting, or rather being regarded as interesting, is obviously a good thing. But how can you pull it off when you’re writing for your business? Answer: use storytelling techniques to inject power and personality into your words. Desperately seeking understanding(…)

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Business Writing Basics

A Baker's Dozen - Tips for Effective Business Writing

Running your own business means that you have to turn your hand to all sorts of writing: from meeting notes and emails, to social media posts and blogging. How do you make sure that you write effectively, if writing has never been your “thing?” First of all, don’t panic! No one’s asking you to write(…)

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Mind the gap

How to avoid a common copywriting pitfall

“You’ve got the wrong idea about me…” Have you ever been on the receiving end of that particular gem? There’s lots of different ways you might react – puff up with self-righteous indignation, lament how you’ve been taken in or even blame yourself. But chances are, it’s not you that got it wrong. Your words(…)

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