Tagged: authenticity
Is Context Everything?
Putting context in its place in marketing comms
How important is context? After all, communication, by its very nature, doesn’t happen in a vacuum. But how much does, and should, the where and to whom, influence the how and what you say? Should you just grant yourself the freedom and power of speaking your truth regardless and concentrate solely on being true to(…)
Read MoreStory Time – Not Just For Kids
How to get started with storytelling in business
One from the Bible and one from the senior statesman of rock: I’m more Team Keith. I was one of those mums who couldn’t wait for her baby sons to start playing with toys that I could join in with. Thomas the Tank Engine? Power Rangers? A cash register for playing shop? I was right(…)
Read MoreGet Real! But How Far Should You Go?
Authenticity & all that jazz
Last week I got an email inviting me to my old school’s family fun day. Attached were some updates from people I hadn’t thought about for decades – decades that they’d distilled into a few sentences that communicated…what? What mattered to them, what they thought people would want to know or what was expected? As(…)
Read MoreMind the gap
How to avoid a common copywriting pitfall
“You’ve got the wrong idea about me…” Have you ever been on the receiving end of that particular gem? There’s lots of different ways you might react – puff up with self-righteous indignation, lament how you’ve been taken in or even blame yourself. But chances are, it’s not you that got it wrong. Your words(…)
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